Watchful Eyes, Everywhere

The Oil and Gas Industry Searches for Ways to Improve

In the wake of the BP Macondo Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the oil and gas industry is, and will remain for years to come, under the microscope. And it’s not only politicians and environmentalists peering through the crude-stained eyepiece. The gawking multitudes this time include the media, investors, John Q. Public, and even industry participants.

Going forward, virtually every move the industry makes (or fails to make) will be subject to efforts to ascertain whether the industry can be trusted.  Will it take the steps needed to improve its performance, stewardship and reputation? Continue reading “Watchful Eyes, Everywhere”

The Rig Equipment Blues

Dark image of a drilling rig
Today’s wells cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars a day to drill. Thus, few things rankle operators like slowed activity.

To limit downtime, the equipment on rigs receives close attention. However, EnergyPoint Research surveys show many equipment providers are missing the mark. There’s room to improve in post-sale support, availability and delivery, and pricing. Without improvements, the status quo will only entice new entrants.

Continue reading “The Rig Equipment Blues”