Measuring Climate Change—A Matter of (Un)certainty

Black and white text against images of green grass and orange dessert climates next to each other with a measuring tape black text.

Propelled by sweeping policy, financial and lifestyle reforms being proposed to limit or mitigate its effects, climate change has become one of the major concerns of our time. In one way or another, it now touches virtually every aspect of our society, from our health and economy to our culture and values.

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Addressing Climate Change: A Better Way Forward

Featured image for the article with white text and dark blue background

Political, business and environmental leaders across the globe are coming to grips with the flaws in their poorly conceived plans to deal with climate change through a renewables-centric energy transition. The fact is there’s always been a better way forward. It’s still true today.

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The Politics of Climate Change

Art rendered image of the US Capitol building with a full green tint and the words "The Politics of Climate Change"

The oil and gas industry is under pressure from some—including those attending events like the Conference of Parties (COP) annual meetings—to voluntarily phase out the production of hydrocarbons, which are blamed for contributing to climate change and environmental degradation. This is a misguided and dangerous ploy that the industry should reject out of hand.

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