Consumers Are Happier at the Pump Than You Might Think

Featured Image (Gas Tank Guage) v. 1.00

Listening to experts, one could be forgiven for assuming the traditional automobile and the lifestyle it supports are fast-approaching expiration. Hardly a day passes when a prognosticator of some sort doesn’t posit that the internal combustion engine—and the petroleum products that feed it—are officially passé.

If true, somebody forgot to tell the American consumer.

Assuming trends hold, 2017 will clinch the record for annual vehicle-miles traveled in the U.S.  This will mark the third consecutive year of record road travel, reversing declines stemming from the 2008 financial crises and the historically high petroleum prices that followed. Continue reading “Consumers Are Happier at the Pump Than You Might Think”

Watchful Eyes, Everywhere

The Oil and Gas Industry Searches for Ways to Improve

In the wake of the BP Macondo Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the oil and gas industry is, and will remain for years to come, under the microscope. And it’s not only politicians and environmentalists peering through the crude-stained eyepiece. The gawking multitudes this time include the media, investors, John Q. Public, and even industry participants.

Going forward, virtually every move the industry makes (or fails to make) will be subject to efforts to ascertain whether the industry can be trusted.  Will it take the steps needed to improve its performance, stewardship and reputation? Continue reading “Watchful Eyes, Everywhere”