Top 10 Highest Rated Industry Suppliers

Top-rated Oilfield Suppliers - Featured Image

EnergyPoint publishes its independent customer satisfaction ratings and rankings of oilfield suppliers on an annual basis. These announcements reflect the best and most current information available for tracking the performance of oil and gas industry suppliers.

While each year offers its own surprises as companies move up and down ranks, there is a small group of companies that have consistently remained at the top over the years. These are the industry’s superstars.  For them, customer Continue reading “Top 10 Highest Rated Industry Suppliers”

Customers & Investors – The Ties That Bind

Ties that Bind

The evidence that customer satisfaction is an important metric for understanding, managing and anticipating the performance of today’s global oilfield suppliers continues to mount.

Recently completed analysis indicates the strongest tie yet (statistical significance levels are now well over 95%) between publicly traded oilfield suppliers’ customer satisfaction levels—as measured in EnergyPoint Research’s independent surveys—and the subsequent stock-price performance. Continue reading “Customers & Investors – The Ties That Bind”

Contract Drillers Find Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

For both onshore and offshore applications, EnergyPoint’s latest survey results indicate contract drillers are increasingly out to show customers they mean business. At the very least, land-drillers’ overall ratings remain on an upward bent, while offshore drillers’ ratings continue to be the highest of all the major oilfield segments that EnergyPoint tracks in its customer satisfaction surveys.

Helmerich & Payne’s ratings continue to lead onshore. In fact, the company remains the only land drillers to enjoy a very high overall designation in EnergyPoint’s independent customer satisfaction ratings system. Continue reading “Contract Drillers Find Customer Centricity”

Watchful Eyes, Everywhere

The Oil and Gas Industry Searches for Ways to Improve

In the wake of the BP Macondo Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the oil and gas industry is, and will remain for years to come, under the microscope. And it’s not only politicians and environmentalists peering through the crude-stained eyepiece. The gawking multitudes this time include the media, investors, John Q. Public, and even industry participants.

Going forward, virtually every move the industry makes (or fails to make) will be subject to efforts to ascertain whether the industry can be trusted.  Will it take the steps needed to improve its performance, stewardship and reputation? Continue reading “Watchful Eyes, Everywhere”